Please check out Christy’s comments! She posts photos and explains her journey with learning how to shoot and overcoming her fear of guns, thank you for your kind words, Christy. We are very pleased that you enjoyed your experience with us.
Guns and Overcoming Fear (and Stupid)
I am afraid of guns. There I said it. I am not proud of the fact that I am afraid but I just am. My fear doesn’t come from some kind of personal trauma but more the kind that comes from the unknown. After contemplating my fear and the root of the issue, I believe that I am afraid of not knowing how to use a gun, God forbid, I ever need to use a gun. You see, I have a gun in my home. I can’t tell you if it’s loaded or if the safety is on. I can’t even tell you where the key is to unlock the box it is in. Now, that’s just stupid and I don’t do stupid.
So this is what I did to overcome stupid. I signed up for their Women Only Training Class. Fourteen women came together to learn. Some had their own guns & ammunition, some (like me) rented everything. Some of the women had handled a gun before, others (like me) had not.
We spent 45 minutes in a class environment.
We learned safety.
We learned how to grip a gun.
We learned how to stand with a gun.
We learned how to load a gun.
We asked questions. We laughed. I wanted to cry. Seriously, I was that afraid.
The next half of the class was spent at the indoor range. I wanted to leave. I was sweating. I wore platform pumps and had this really big ring on my finger. What was I thinking? I was miserable.
It took me a moment before I could pull the trigger. I hate the element of surprise and I was anticipating the gun to act violently towards me. I did not want it to be loud. I did not want to look stupid.
I did it. I pulled the trigger and then again and again. Was it my Laura Croft moment? No. Did I start singing some AC/DC song in my head because I was a re-born bad-ass? No.
When the night was finally over, I spent a few moments in my car reflecting. I was proud of myself and I was going to continue with my training until I was comfortable.

Please check out Christy’s comments! She posts photos and explains her journey with learning how to shoot and overcoming her fear of guns, thank you for your kind words, Christy. We are very pleased that you enjoyed your experience with us.
Guns and Overcoming Fear (and Stupid)
I am afraid of guns. There I said it. I am not proud of the fact that I am afraid but I just am. My fear doesn’t come from some kind of personal trauma but more the kind that comes from the unknown. After contemplating my fear and the root of the issue, I believe that I am afraid of not knowing how to use a gun, God forbid, I ever need to use a gun. You see, I have a gun in my home. I can’t tell you if it’s loaded or if the safety is on. I can’t even tell you where the key is to unlock the box it is in. Now, that’s just stupid and I don’t do stupid.
So this is what I did to overcome stupid. I signed up for their Women Only Training Class. Fourteen women came together to learn. Some had their own guns & ammunition, some (like me) rented everything. Some of the women had handled a gun before, others (like me) had not.
We spent 45 minutes in a class environment.
We learned safety.
We learned how to grip a gun.
We learned how to stand with a gun.
We learned how to load a gun.
We asked questions. We laughed. I wanted to cry. Seriously, I was that afraid.
The next half of the class was spent at the indoor range. I wanted to leave. I was sweating. I wore platform pumps and had this really big ring on my finger. What was I thinking? I was miserable.
It took me a moment before I could pull the trigger. I hate the element of surprise and I was anticipating the gun to act violently towards me. I did not want it to be loud. I did not want to look stupid.
I did it. I pulled the trigger and then again and again. Was it my Laura Croft moment? No. Did I start singing some AC/DC song in my head because I was a re-born bad-ass? No.
When the night was finally over, I spent a few moments in my car reflecting. I was proud of myself and I was going to continue with my training until I was comfortable.