Taking extra measures towards your personal safety does not always equal toting your gun with you everywhere you go. Sometimes there are situations where bringing your firearm is not an option, when that happens you can always choose to carry pepper spray. 360 Tactical Training offers a private one-hour pepper spray lesson so you can practice your aim and learn more about your non-lethal defense options.
Students will learn safety, the body’s natural reactions to a fight, mindset, awareness, staging the weapon, efficient deployment of the pepper spray canister, the ready position, proper extension, aiming, the effects of pepper spray on the human body, movement and much more. Students will experience deploying inert pepper spray during real world scenarios.

Taking extra measures towards your personal safety does not always equal toting your gun with you everywhere you go. Sometimes there are situations where bringing your firearm is not an option, when that happens you can always choose to carry pepper spray. 360 Tactical Training offers a private one-hour pepper spray lesson so you can practice your aim and learn more about your non-lethal defense options.
Students will learn safety, the body’s natural reactions to a fight, mindset, awareness, staging the weapon, efficient deployment of the pepper spray canister, the ready position, proper extension, aiming, the effects of pepper spray on the human body, movement and much more. Students will experience deploying inert pepper spray during real world scenarios.